Academics & Accreditation

Creative Curriculum

Infants, Toddlers & Twos

A curriculum is like a road-map; it helps you get where you want to go. The Creative Curriculum is a comprehensive, developmentally appropriate curriculum that includes goals and objectives for children's learning in all areas of development.


Creative Curriculum helps teachers observe children more purposefully, and use those observations to plan for each child as well as the whole group. Creative Curriculum also offers a variety of approaches for teachers to take an active role in children's learning.

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Extending the Story...


What does NAEYC Accreditation actually mean?

*NAEYC stands for National Association for the Education of Young Children. NAEYC promotes high-quality learning by connecting practice, policy, and research.

*Research shows a direct correlation between high-quality early learning and children's positive long-term outcomes in life, including increased educational attainment, healthier lifestyles, and more successful careers. NAEYC Accreditation helps teachers and other staff at early learning programs develop a shared understanding and commitment to quality.

*The accreditation process leads to increased staff morale, greater staff retention, and a more positive, energetic work atmosphere overall—enabling centers to provide a solid foundation for all children's success in life.

*Achieving NAEYC Accreditation is a four-step process that involves self reflection and quality improvement in order to meet and maintaining accreditation over a five-year period. Directors, teachers, and families all participate in the process. Programs are required to meet standards grouped into 10 areas: relationships with children, curriculum, teaching approaches, child assessment, nutrition and health, staff qualifications, relationship with children's families, relationship with the community, physical environment, and program leadership and management.


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