
Schedule of Bi-weekly Tuition and Fees

Tuition is due bi-weekly in advance of services.  

Tuition is due every other Tuesday on the Federal payday.

Infants -  $600.00

Age 6 weeks to 12 months

Young Toddlers - $600.00

12 to 20 months

Older Toddlers - $560.00

20 to 26 months

Two Year Olds - $550.00

24 months to 3 years old (or when potty-trained)

Three Year Olds -  $530.00

3 to 4 years old (must be potty-trained)

Pre-K - $490.00

4 to 5 years old

School Agers -  $450

Summer/School Break Day Camp Program

School Agers Before/After School - $130/ $250

Transportation Provided ONE way (to OR from school) AM- Moore; PM-Mustang*

NOTE: Ages are approximate.

We transition developmentally rather than chronologically, so some children will move earlier and some will move later.

Tuition costs are based on which classroom your child is in - not on his/her actual age.

* Currently, we provide transportation FROM Mustang Schools and TO some Moore Schools.

Multiple Children Discount: For 2 or more children enrolled you will receive 10% off oldest child’s tuition.

The following fee is due upon enrollment: Registration Fee  $100

Other Fees:

Security Card Replacement fee: $10 per card

Off-campus Badge Deposit: $50 per badge (due for off-campus patrons)

Late tuition payment

Tuition not paid on the due date (every other Tuesday) will be assessed a DAILY late fee of $10.00 per day.  If fees have not been paid within (5) working days, the child will be automatically withdrawn from the center.  Any EMERGENCY situation must be discussed with the Center Director PRIOR to the due date, and alternative payment arrangements must be made. Alternative payment plans greater than one week in length require Board approval.

Late Pick-up

A fee of $5.00 per minute per child will be charged to your account if your child/children remains in the center after closing. This amount will cap at a charge of $150.00 per occurrence. If a parent or guardian or representative of the parent or guardian has not been in contact with the Center at the expiration of thirty (30) minutes after closing, the Director may contact the appropriate authorities. If any child is left at the Center for more than one (1) hour during a non-emergency that family will be referred to the Board President for possible removal from the Center.

Returned Checks

In order to redeem a returned check, a $30.00 service charge must be paid by money order or cashier’s check.  Repetitious writing of dishonored checks will result in tuition payment by money order or cashier’s check.

Withdrawal from Center

The Center requires two (2) weeks advance written notice, in a form acceptable to the Center Director, from parents desiring to withdraw their child from the center for any reason.  Notice is required in order to allow the center adequate time to fill the child’s vacancy.  Failure to give proper notice will result in assessment of the biweekly tuition payment.

 The Center reserves the right to dismiss a child for non-cooperation by the parents or child, or inability of a child or parent to adjust to the Center’s program.  In cases of delinquent tuition payments, no notice is required by the Center to terminate enrollment.

 Tuition Assistance 

Tuition assistance is available through Title XX from the State of Oklahoma Department of Human Services.  Applications are available by contacting DHS at

*** NOTE: These prices are current as of September 4, 2023 and are subject to change without notice.

Please call The Launching Pad to verify rates and fees at (405) 954-4901 ***